
by vibeshare



Share photos instantly in a private album as you take them using vibeshare. Create a private album, invite your friends and use vibeshare to secure direct access to all photos taken by you and your friends.Use vibeshare for every occasion such as parties, weddings, holidays and birthdays. In this way you will forever have all the photos of your greatest memories.Use vibeshare for every occasion such as parties, weddings, holidays and birthdays. As your friends and family will use Vibeshare, all the photos of your greatest memories will be instantly shared as they are captured on camera and now you will always have direct access to all the photos of your precious memoriesI guess you know the struggle of asking your friends to send or upload photos of you after a great party, vacation or festival - and they usually never do it. Now this struggle is over. By using vibeshare all the photos taken by your friends at any event will instantly be uploaded to a shared album. Now you will always have direct access to all the photos of your greatest memories.